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How Complete and Elegant Are Its Principles

——Sun Xixiang, Editor-in-Chief ofArt Weekly


How complete and elegant are its principles!

I don’t know why, but when I look at XuYinghui’s work, I always think of those words from Confucius.

I see Xu’s work as “painting within painting.”His work contains past and present, heaven and earth. He incorporates the lostknowledge of the ancient sages, the boundary between man and heaven, Qin bricksand Han tiles, as well as the literary grandeur of the Tang… He seems to havereturned to the distant past, while moving toward a boundless world of futurelives. His pieces are serene yet anxious, melodious yet tranquil… If he was a“smart man” he would produce myriad ways to accomplish this and createcountless series of paintings. However, Xu continues along his path, generouslyand tenaciously increasing the temporal breath and visual depth of his pieces. Allgreat men must suffer before they can become great.

In 1990, Xu was graduated top of his class inthe Folk Art Department at the Central Academy of Fine Art. Since then, Xu hasbeen inextricably tied to folk art, and this discipline has left a deep imprinton his work. Folk art has allowed him to truly connect to the earth. Afterliving in the countryside for 20 years, his childhood memories are naturallylinked to art. The countryside that he wanted to escape actually contains thesimplest and most complete kind of Chinese art. Folk is beautiful, folk is art!

Twenty years later, Xu Yinghui is engaged withcontemporary art, but still performs an annual investigation of some aspect offolk art. Folk art has nourished his work and provided rich rewards. Thepractical function of folk art is to remove courtly, elite, and emotionaltendencies. Therefore, it is the best medium for preserving primitive culturaltraits and directly perpetuating Pre-Qin, Han, and Tang art. Folk art was notgreatly influenced by dynastic changes or political shifts. It retained itsoriginal flavor down to the present day. When confronted with the immensecultural gift our ancestors have given us, Xu has never been short of subjectmatter, and he always feels as if he there are paintings he still has yet topaint. He has studied and researched past painting styles and combined themwith the cultural context of contemporary art, in order to create his ownunique style. His tireless efforts have allowed him to reap an abundant harvest.

How complete and elegant are its principles!This phrase does not seem at all strange, because Xu Yinghui’s art evolved fromfolk art and perpetuated remote antiquity. His magnificent pieces representedthe pinnacle of culture, because they are not merely the product of one man; heseems to have had help from the gods.


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